Finding the Strength to Heal

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Directed by Mike Boctor

Executive Producer: Laura Sinko

Associate Producer: Courtney Burns



University of Michigan PhD Candidate Laura Sinko's nursing doctoral dissertation, “Finding Strength in Healing,” aims to identify individual and contextual influences of trauma healing for undergraduate survivors of unwanted sexual experiences. Sinko commissioned me to help disseminate her findings through the accessible medium of film. As the Director of the film, I was responsible for interpreting Sinko’s research data and finding the creative vision to communicate it through an artistic and compelling video. The film shared the stories of sexual assault survivors and their healing processes. It premiered at an exhibit where over 200 community members and service providers had the opportunity to learn from survivors’ healing journeys and better understand how we can best support survivor healing and decision-making.

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While discovery is essential, clear dissemination is necessary to move a field forward. As such, I am using film to investigate ways of clearly communicating implications and advancements in research. Film creates more accessible ways of understanding and communicating the complexities of our world.